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Chủ đề: Patch 1.22 change log

  1. #1
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết

    Patch 1.22 change log

    Patch 1.22


    - There is now a replay auto-save feature in the options menu. Replays
    are automatically saved to the "replay" folder.
    - The game is now automatically saved in the event of a potential
    disconnect. These saved games are placed in the "save" folder.
    - Player color selection can now be limited by the number of players in
    the game using an option in the "Advanced Options" screen during game
    - Added an option to always show unit and building health bars.
    - You can now enable and disable the display of minimap signals
    from players and other observers using chat commands:
    /showminimapsignals and /hideminimapsignals.
    - Added a new in-game cheat "maxfps" to limit the maximum frame rate to
    the given number. Example: "maxfps 30" will set the maximum frame rate
    to 30 FPS.


    - Scout Tower repair rate changed from 12 to 20.
    - Knight damage increased: Attack cooldown changed from 1.50 to
    1.40 and base damage increased from 25 to 28 (Average damage is 34).

    - Increased Ziggurat base armor from 1 to 5.
    - Reduced the build time of the Necropolis from 120 to 100.

    - Reduce the Orb of venom poison duration from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.
    - Increase the experience gain from Dryads from Level 2 (40xp) to
    Level 3 (60 xp).


    - The cooldown on unlimited usable items (example: the staff of
    preservation) now persists after the item is dropped or traded.
    - A cooldown exploit with potions has been fixed.
    - When you unburrow a Crypt Fiend, its auto-cast will no longer be toggled
    - An exploit bug in which items could lose their cooldowns when transferred
    between heroes has been fixed.
    - Fixed DotA-specific sound effects on Intel Macs.
    - Fixed sound falloff on Intel Macs. Distant sounds should now still be


    - New maps from contest winners:
    - (2)MeltingValley
    - (2)RoadToStratholme
    - (4)CentaurGrove
    - (4)TidewaterGlades
    Một số thay đổi về setting khá tốt,nhưng thay đổi về unit thì không thể chấp nhận được.

  2. #2
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2015
    Bài viết
    lot of things could be a lot better. Here's some suggestions:

    Rework mana burn: increase the mana cost to 75, nerf the range to melee, decrease the mana burned to 30/60/90 but make the hero take double damage from the spell so that the damage is actually greater than the original mana burn, but he can't remove your mana in 2 seconds now... While you're at it, decrease the duration time of Metamorphosis and increase the cooldown. With bonus regeneration, high-level evasion and Elf staff abuse, not to mention any potions or scrolls he may be carrying, he's the definition of unkillable. Buff the range of Immolation and decrease the amount of mana it consumes.

    Nerf mana cost of Howl of Terror and Rain of Fire. Pit Lard sucks for a reason.

    Buff Thorns aura by making melee units take a poison sting type of thing. Buff Force of Nature by increasing the radius of trees destroyed, decreasing the mana cost, increasing the summons' HP to 300, spawn 3/5/7, but increase the amount of experience that they give.

    Reduce Ensnare time by 30%. Can be auto-cast on air units.

    Give Orc better mana regeneration for casters, especially Witch Doctors and Shamans. Or just lower the cost of their spells.

    Stasis Trap duration reduced, but takes less time to turn invisible.

    Archers Marksmanship should give them flaming arrows as the art icon suggests. +3 damage removed and changed to some type of burn effect that works something like Burning Oil on a single unit. Does not stack.

    Nerf the cost of burning Oil.

    Nerf batrider splash damage but make it so that their damage is not affected by armor (or just buff the target damage). Right now Orc can do nothing VS Gryphon, Wyrm, and usually Chimaera too.

    Buff Headhunters. Increase their base damage.

    Buff Riflemen by decreasing their cooldown.

    Reduce the mana cost of Shockwave.

    Buff Mirror Image, Nerf Windwalk

    Buff Serpent Wards. Nerf duration of Hex but decrease the mana cost of that and Heal.

    Alchemist healing spray doesn't heal enemy units as much, lower the mana cost slightly also because Chemical Rage/Acid Bomb are much cooler.

    Buff destroyers against casters, nerf them against regular units.

    Reduce amount of time a unit is frosted, if DK's speed bonus isn't enough then the UD is just ****.

    Increase the cooldown on Guard towers' attack, decrease the range.

    Nerf the mana cost of Polymorph, we never see it.

    Buff Priests natural armor, they die too easily.

    Spell Steal should cost more mana, but control summons less mana. Give Breakers medium armor or change their attack type to piercing so that they can counter Dryads better.

    Increase Dryad gold cost, lower lumber cost, increase the cooldown on their attack. Their slow poison works well enough, they don't need to attack so quickly ffs.

    Buff Wind Rider speed.

    Gargoyles re-acquire air if it comes into it acquisition range, even if they are already attacking a ground unit. It's very hard to click the correct target unit when both air and ground are involved.

    Acolytes have increased Armor and increased movement speed, or spell immunity when on a gold mine.

    Wisps regenerate HP faster when harvesting a tree or are in a mine, but the mine costs both gold and lumber to repair (fair cost for not having to wait for the tree to entangle another one).

    Decrease the attack damage of Ancients, and lower their armor when they are uprooted. You should be taking a lot more caution when using them offensively. Buff attack damage of the Tree of Life, though, to help repel hallsmash tactics.

    Burrows start with Fortified Armor, like they used to be.

    Moon Wells now cost 50 lumber to produce.

    Militia have increased armor, but can only stay Militia within a certain radius of the Hall. You can militia on any Hall.

    When you double-click a non-laboring ghoul, it no longer selects your laboring ghouls. That gets annoying.

    Web duration is shorter, but cooldown is smaller so you can web things like Gyrocopters and enemy gargoyles more effectively. Right now UD has enough counters to heavy air, but is bad against light air.

    Death Pact cost lowered to 25 mana, and cooldown decreased. Offensive Death Coil costs 85 mana, defensive Death Coil costs 65 mana. Increase the cooldown on Death Coil. Unholy Aura no longer affects Death Knight, only the surrounding units. The Death Knight is fast enough.

    Carrion Swarm radius increased, mana cost decreased, sleep no longer makes target invulnerable for that 1 second, sleep duration on heroes decreased, but cooldown and mana cost decreased.

    Naga Sea Witch Mana Shield absorbs a lot more damage per mana. Frost arrows duration decreased.

    Dark Ranger silence mana cost decreased, duration on heroes increased, duration on units decreased, cooldown decreased, radius decreased, can be locked onto units like Carrion Swarm does.

    Panda Breath of Fire mana cost increased, decrease the duration of hazed units, Earth, Wind and Fire nerfed (come on, the options are limitless, you can nerf that thing easily). Just lower the movement speed that they have, remove that little fricker's windwalk, and increase the mana cost that it takes to cast it. 150 mana for the best Ulti in the game? I don't think so.

    Animate Dead units can be targeted, but don't receive damage. If there are no nearby corpses, ghouls are spawned. Mana cost decreased significantly, cooldown decreased significantly.

    Death and Decay Mana cost decreased, cooldown decreased significantly, radius is increased and does not hit friendly units.

    Paladin's shield lets him be targeted, but doesn't receive damage.

    Warden's Fan of Knives mana cost lowered, radius changed to a circle from that spiral $!@%, damage lowered, cooldown lowered, Vengeance spawns can be targeted but not receive damage.

    Storm Bolt costs 85 mana to cast, Thunder Clap damage reduced but costs 75 mana to cast.

    Resurrection brings back only three units, but cooldown and mana cost are lowered significantly. This way, you can use it more readily and you can actively use it against an Undead Player (say, you're waiting for another unit to die before you cast it, while Necros and rods are stealing your corpses).

    Earthquake now periodically stuns units and damages them, like bash does. Radius increased.

    Decrease mana cost and cooldown of Starfall, Volcano, Earthquake. Volcano and earthquake do not hit friendly units, it's bad enough that your hero is out of commission to wield them.

    Fire Orb now gives +8 to attack, and increase the splash damage by 50%

    UD Orb now is -4 armor.

    Gryphons can now hit Dryads.

    Bears take a few seconds to transform back and forth, and mana cost is changed from 25 to 100 to do it.

    Nerf the duration of those ridiculous spells like slow and Faerie Fire. Also, Cyclone duration on heroes and units lowered significantly, but decrease its mana cost to 125.

    Buff Hippogriff and Hyppogriff Riders' HP significantly, as these are highly underused units.

    Mana Flare range reduced, but range of Dragons' attack and its damage is increased.

    Mountain Giants damage increased. Their Taunt should have higher range, but only affects up to 10 units. Lower the cooldown. War club should not reduce his bonus damage against ranged units (wtf???). Reduce their gold cost to 300 and reduce the lumber cost of it and its upgrades.

    Reduce the lumber cost of the Huntress Hall, but increase the lumber cost for Huntresses. Moon glaives upgrade removed. Sentinels lumber cost reduced. Glaives no longer hit repairing units.

    Ancestral Spirit no longer revives dead Tauren, but summons Tauren spirits to fight. Orc Tier 3 is a hard accomplishment. Spirit Walkers have increased attack damage when in Corporeal form, have spell immunity when in that form, but it costs a little mana to change back and forth. Decrease the mana cost of its dispell.

    Blademaster attack cooldown increased and movement speed decreased.

    If Chain lightning/forked lightning don't hit their maximum number of units, their mana cost is lessened.

    Lower the cooldown on Carrion Beatles, but decrease their attack damage. Lower the mana cost to 25. Lower the XP that they give. Lower the mana cost of impale, as that is a really hard shot to land.

    Kodo Beasts have melee-type armor, and deal higher damage. Their movement speed is decreased a little, but their collision size is decreased a little.

    Soul Burn cost reduced to 65, but duration reduced. Lava Spawns now cost 110 mana. His bonus attack thing deals higher explosive damage, and the clinging target thing lasts longer. The mana cost for this one has been lowered, too. The Firelord's HP and Armor receive a buff, but the lava spawns HP receives a nerf.

    Curse now targets up to three units at once. There is no reason to have a large number of Banshees because they are weak, so having one be able to hit several units will be nice. Mana cost of Antimagic Shell lowered. Possession reworked to be like Siphon Mana/Life Drain, but has to be cast at melee range, albeit the casting time increased.
    Một số thay đổi mà players đề nghị.

  3. #3
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2015
    Bài viết
    The Necromancer's upgrade should make him spawn three skeletons instead of two. The third is the ranged one. The Skelly duration upgrade increases their life twice as much as it does now. Cripple mana cost lowered significantly, cooldown lowered, but duration lowered. Unholy Frenzy is now auto-cast, the mana cost is lowered.

    Lower the lumber cost of Caster Upgrades for Undead.

    Overall, increase pretty much all buildings' HP except for towers. Remove masonry from the game. Capital air should not deal bonus to melee. Lower the resource cost of UD gold mines and additional Necropolises. Human speed build reworked: additional resource cost negated, but the bonus additional peasants gives is not very much, to discourage laming. Remove Ivory Towers from the game. Staff of Sanctuary now only stuns your unit for a few seconds, then it can resume business.

    Give UD better Tier One Healing. Buff ghouls' HP.

    When an Undead buys a neutral hero, the Neutral hero should be targettable as Undead.

    Also, spells like War Stomp, Thunder Clap, Fan of Knives should work like this: you can click the spell then click the unit you want to cast the spell on, then the hero moves to the unit to cast it. You double click the spell to cast it there on the spot.
    Post nốt vì giới hạn 10k char.

  4. #4
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết
    spam hả, bên này thì cho..........................spam thoải mái

  5. #5
    Ngày tham gia
    Apr 2016
    Bài viết
    các bạn đừng down cái patch 1.22 vội, cái đó chỉ cho CD key xịn thôi, đợi nó ra no cd thì dùng

  6. #6
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết
    Daemon Tools sẽ giải quyết chuyện đó, khỏi lo :-"

  7. #7
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2015
    Bài viết
    vấn đề là down về khỏi chơi gg nữa vì khác patch thì kô thấy host nhau mà hiện nay ai cũng đang xài 1.21==>1.22 thì chơi với ma:-"
    Chờ tới khi nào GG bắt buộc phải xài patch 1.22 mới chơi đc thì hãy down 1.22 về:>>

  8. #8
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết

    Room tui cơi chẳng ma nào thèm xài patch 1.21 nữa rồi :-"

  9. #9
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2015
    Bài viết
    Các bác chả có ai mê war thật sự. Mê war thật thì phải có cả Cd-key xịn lên bnet, mà tui có 1 cái đóa.

  10. #10
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết
    Nói nghe nè, muốn lên Bnet, bạn cần cả 2 cd-key xịn của cả 2 phần Warcraft 3 và bản mở rộng. Tui có cả hai, và có 1 cái dư, ai muốn ko?

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