các từ chat phổ biến trong game,ai kô hiểu tra từ điển dùm =
2u2 - to you too
aamof - as a matter of fact
afaik - as far as i know
afaic - as far as i'm concerned
afaict - as far as i can tell
afk - away from keyboard
asap - as soon as possible
asl - age,***,location
bag - big @ss grin
bak - back at keyboard
bbl - be back later
bf - boyfriend
bfd - big fricken deal
bitmt - but in the meantime
bot - back on topic
brb - be right back
bseg - big sh*t eat'n grin
btw - by the way
c4n - ciao for now
crs - can't remember "stuff"
cu - see you
cul8r - see you later
cwot - complete waste of time
cya - see ya
diy - do it yourself
eod - end of discussion
ez - easy
f2f - face to face
faq - frequently asked questions
fbow - for better or worse
foaf - friend of a friend
focl - falling off chair laughing
fwiw - for what it's worth
fya - for your amusement
fyi - for your information
/ga - go ahead
gal - get a life
gbtw - get back to work
gf - girlfriend
gfc - going for coffee
gfete - grinning from ear to ear
gmta - great minds think alike
gr&d - grinning, running & ducking
gtg - got to go
gtgttbr - got to go to the bathroom
gtrm - going to read mail
gu - geographically undesirable
h8 - hate
hand - have a nice day
hhok - ha ha only kidding
hth - hope this helps
iac - in any case
iae - in any event
ianal - i am not a lawyer
ic - i see
idgi - i don't get it
imco - in my considered opinion
imho - in my humble opinion
imnho - in my never humble opinion
imnsho - in my not so humble opinion
imo - in my opinion
impe - in my personal experience
imvho - in my very humble opinion
iow - in other words
irl - in real life
isp - internet service provider
iykwim - if you know what i mean
jic - just in case
j/k - just kidding
kiss - keep it simple stupid
l8r - later
lol - laughing out loud
lmao - laughing my arse off
lmfao - laughing my f*cking arse off
ltns - long time no see
morf - male or female
mtcw - my two cents worth
nbd - no big deal
nrn - no reply necessary
ntk - need to know
onna - oh no, not again!
otoh - on the other hand
ottomh - off the top of my head
oic - oh i see
otf - on the floor
oll - online love
pita - pain in the @ss
pls - please
pstfu - please...shut the fluck up
pu - that stinks!
rehi - hello again (re-hi!)
rl - real life
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
rotf - rolling on the floor
rotfl - rolling on the floor laughing
rsn - real soon now
rtdox - read the documentation
rtfm - read the frickin' manual
ruok - are you ok?
rw - real world
snafu - situation normal all fouled up
so - significant other
sol - smiling out loud (or sh*t out of luck)
tanstaafl - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
tafn - that's all for now
teotwawki - the end of the world as we know it
tmi - to much information
ttfn - ta tah for now
ty - thank you
weg - wicked evil grin
wtf - what the f*ck
yw - your welcome
lbb - little black box
oyh - over your head
pmsl - pissing myself laughing
psl - pissin self laughing
dyg - **** you're good
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